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Dawn O’Brien ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Superstar Consultant


My Story

In typical Dawn fashion, I wish I had some super grand story as to how I discovered Scentsy and made my decision to start my business. In actuality, however, I'm like most Scentsy people - I just got to a point where my love of the products made it make sense: if I'm gonna buy it, I may as well be the one making the money! I literally expected NOTHING to come out of it except for making a tiny paycheck when I bought my own stuff.

I found out about Scentsy in 2009 when a friend hosted a party. I bought a mini warmer and a few bars and didn't think much of it. After the wax was gone, that warmer sat in a drawer for literally years.

Fast forward to meeting my best friend Christina at a Hanson concert in December 2011...
She asked, "Can we be friends on Facebook?!" I said, "YES!" And the rest became history when we discovered that we lived 6 miles from each other. She had just starter her Scentsy biz and so I was reintroduced to the products, finally had someone to supply me with the wax, and was thrilled my absentminded brain that forgot to blow out candles constantly no longer had to fret lol. Plus, it doesn't hurt that every person who walks through the door of my house or gets in my car or is nearby when I open a suitcase asks what smells so good, and I can say, "It's me....the answer is me."

Ultimately, it is FOR. FREAKING. SURE. the best $99 I've ever spent. It has non-dramatically, but quite literally, changed my entire life - my friends, my finances, my time freedom & flexibility, my travel opportunities, and so much more!

Seriously though...
No one has ever complained about having more and flexible income...right?

Want to have a worry free Target trip?
Guilt free get your Starbies or Dunkin' every day?
Get out of debt?
Leave that day job you dread showing up to?
Save up for a dream vacation?
Go back to school?
Pay for christmas gifts without stress?
Pay a bill that annoys you?

Let's do this together. I won't let you do it if I know it won't be for you, but I also won't let you fail if you decide it is.

We are quickly growing and I am proud to say that I am the director of Team How I Met Your Warmer - currently a big ol’ team of kickass ladies and gents across the literal globe sharing their love and passion for this company and our products. I can't wait to help them grow their businesses, too! It is literally my daily joy to be able to support them, encourage them, and watch them achieve their goals and dreams....and I wanna add you to that crew!

Me personally? I'm 13 years in and not stopping. The growth keeps coming and I'm lucky because I get to do this Scentsy gig full time! Scentsy became a way to grow myself, find confidence I didn't know existed, become a better leader, make new friends, pay the bills, pay off debt, take vacations I could have never dreamed is a way to LIVE MY LIFE and LIVE MY DREAMS. It is my passion and my purpose. It's a way to make the things I thought impossible a total reality. You just have to #beyou, #livemagically, #getweird, and #doitscared and put in a little hard work - which I'll help you figure it out. And, FYI, I believe in you already!

I love Scentsy. Every scentsational little part of it. And I'm ready for you to fall in love with it, too!

Hope to welcome you to our fam soon!


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What's warming in my home